lunes, 18 de diciembre de 2017

If you let yourself kick, I give you a crust of bread ...
Crisanto Gregorio León

                It is so alarming the rascality of some people, who do not meditate on those times where others favored them, when they did not have and others satiated their hunger and thirst. Nor do they meditate that things could be turned upside down and that what they never thanked and what they now do can turn against them and also pale their body and soul in the face of the vain, merciless, ruthless and cruel behavior with which they treat their fellow men. , life could pass bills when they think they are under the protection of a shield of money and comforts.
                Some people have never suffered shortages or precariousness and their behavior towards their peers is sidelong because without having tasted the pain of hunger and need, nor the breakdown of poverty, they believe that it is a world that does not exist because they do not know it. And I do not want to justify them if they behave with their fellow men in an arrogant way when they make a charity.
                But there are those who know what hunger and poverty are and when they raise their economies and feel prosperity winds, they become haughty, vain and cruel towards others and even against those who at some point held out their hands because they They found themselves in a better position.
                The life lady or lady vanity, has many colors and many shades, are infinite nuances, worry that the day will come, in which you will feel the crunch of your stomach as if a sharp blade broke your insides when someone conditioned two grains of rice and a strand of meat as long as you submit submission.
                It seems an expression of some defective, evil or malignant gene that makes people forgetful, when they received with love the food that satisfied their hunger and feel elevated by a promise of a better life, then they give the toupee to humiliate and kick in the stomach to those who held out their hands. But no, the evil in their hearts does not come from the shortage or better bonanza, no, the evil of their hearts seems to be a legacy, a cursed inheritance that does not allow them to see in others a being with affections and feelings, they believe that others do not have human sensibility, because they are the only sentient beings to be flattered, justified and understood. The others do not, the others do not feel or suffer or wait ...
                A meal prepared in advance of all the cruelty with which it is made, with which it is served or with which it is invited, is a food that falls to the stomach like a poison, like a gall, like an insult that does not feed the body, nor It gives tranquility to the soul. It is a mouthful of insults, it is a mouthful full of hypocrisy, it is a mouthful that hurts self-esteem.
Imagine that someone conditions, for example, giving him a plate of food with the arrogance of an evil personality, whose gift is not surrender with love but boasting and haughtiness. If you are going to give a meal, do not humiliate your guest by doing and saying things that make him feel insignificant. Better get away from your food, which is preferable to be hungry than to feel in the mouth, the throat and the viscera, the sharp and sharp blades of humiliation.
                Blessed is he who gives with humility and without arrogance not only at Christmas.

sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017

The sickly vanity, boasting and arrogance

Crisanto Gregorio León

 Excuse not demanded, manifest guilt. This aphorism is reflected in the Latin expression "Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesto". And that lawyers are so familiar to hear the clarifications that turn against their owner or owner. It exposes the guilty person when he gives explanations and arguments about what he has not been asked to clarify or about which he has not been asked for any justification.

You did it, no one asked you to give the reasons, everything was in evidence, and yet you insist on proving that you are not guilty and the affected are not interested in explaining yourself. Then why do you insist on presenting loopholes?

But there is so much evidence of your guilt that you rush impulsively to say I was not! Do not say that you are dark, as you argue the most embarras. Even the ingenuity to listen to you by force, forcing others to witness your explanations and sticking your rhetoric.

There are those who insist on giving explanations to dispel their guilt, which is flagrant. While others do not want to dissipate their guilt but to rule over their own felony, not to feel guilty of what they have done or said, because conceit and arrogance have their soul imprisoned. Guilt is not a cause of grief, but of boasting and arrogance; because there has been no fault but bad intentions. It is as if they say so, - I did it I am guilty and what? - but I do not assume guilt, on the contrary I rejoice in it.

I remember the popular songs of Spain, which were not because they were the cause of another's sorrow, but of the own guilt that the soul eats and sentenced equally the gauchos "nobody discovers his breast to give relief to his grief, that the one that his chest discovers , by his mouth is condemned. "

Only the punishments of some people are embarrassments because they feel uncovered of what they have always done low profile breaking all moral or ethical standards, social uses, religion or law, and worse still against life that charges everything sooner or later and then in the face of such an awareness of his own conscience as his play is exposed; decide to openly persecute the innocent, making them victims, arguing for an ephemeral and circumstantial power, which is only vanity and sickly position. This is the cause of those who insist on giving explanations to those who do not want to hear them and do not even ask for them. Because when you light up you get dark. And in the hands of this triumvirate, vanity, boasting and arrogance are washed conscience.


La enfermiza vanidad, la jactancia y prepotencia

Crisanto Gregorio León
 Excusa no pedida, culpabilidad  manifiesta. Este aforismo es recogido en la expresión latina “Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta”. Y que  a los abogados nos es tan familiar al escuchar los esclarecimientos que se vuelven contra su dueña o dueño. Deja al descubierto a la persona culpable cuando da explicaciones y argumentaciones respecto de lo que no se le ha pedido aclarar  o de aquello de lo que no se le  ha solicitado ninguna justificación.
Lo hiciste, nadie te ha pedido que des las razones, todo quedó en evidencia, y aún así insistes en demostrar que no eres culpable y ni los afectados  están interesados en que te expliques. ¿Entonces por qué insistes en presentar escapatorias?
Pero es tanta la evidencia de tu culpabilidad que corres impulsivamente a decir ¡yo no fui¡ No aclares que oscureces, pues a medida que arguyes más la embarras. Incluso hasta te las ingenias para que te escuchen por la fuerza, obligando a otros a presenciar tus explicaciones y calarse tu retórica.
Hay quienes insisten en dar explicaciones para disipar su culpa, la cual es flagrante. Mientras otros, no quieren disipar su culpa sino  enseñorearse en su propia felonía, por no sentirse culpables de lo que han hecho o dicho, pues el engreimiento y la soberbia les tienen encarcelada el alma.  La culpa  no le es motivo de pena, sino de jactancia y arrogancia; porque no ha habido culpa sino malas intenciones. Es como si afirmaran  así, –  yo lo hice soy culpable  ¿y qué?-, pero no asumo la culpa, por el contrario me regocijo en ella.
Recuerdo los cantos populares españoles, que no lo eran por ser motivo de pena ajena, sino de la propia culpa que carcome el alma y que sentenciaban igualmente los gauchos “nadie descubra su pecho por dar alivio a su pena, que el que su pecho descubre, por su boca se condena”.
Solo que las penas de algunas personas, son encabritamientos por sentirse descubiertas de lo que siempre han hecho bajo perfil quebrantando toda norma moral o ética , los usos sociales, la religión o el Derecho , y peor  aún en contra de la vida que todo lo cobra tarde o temprano y entonces ante tal escarmiento de su propia conciencia al quedar su juego expuesto; deciden perseguir abiertamente a inocentes , convirtiéndolos en víctimas,  argumentando una potestad efímera y circunstancial, que solo es vanidad y enfermiza posición.  He aquí la causa de quien insiste en dar explicaciones a quienes no quieren oírlas y  ni siquiera las han pedido. Porque al aclarar oscureces. Y en manos de este triunvirato , la vanidad, la jactancia y la prepotencia se lavan la conciencia.

sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017

The truth that leaves you in evidence ...

The truth that leaves you in evidence ...
Crisanto Gregorio León
I will speak here of criminality in less unexpected spheres. Sites where you can not think that there are people with folds and low profile, dressed in decent people and in whom by their trade or their presumed dignity, does not show even the slightest suspicion of his twisted mind. Obviously thieves do not warn when they are going to steal. That is, they do not prevent the victims because they would risk being discovered and thus would not achieve their surprise wanderings.
                 But if you find out that there has been a robbery or a robbery and you know the thief or the thief; that is to say, you know who under the halo of "correct person" has committed robbery or theft and you have all the elements of the body of the crime, because the evidence is tangible and irreconcilable and despite that you insist on justifying the thief, and even send the victim to dialogue with the thief not to return the stolen or stolen but to make him plead to his victimizer and the thief then give himself the tupé to tell the victim the reasons why he stole something that is legitimately his and so that the victim must also come out convinced or convinced of that farce of dialogue or unequal talk in which the victim is ultimately responsible for the fact that he or she has stolen it and also must remain silent, silent and without fussing about what was stolen and not chastised. Then you should check it out because like the thief or thief you do not have God in your conscience. And you're an accomplice, collaborator in the crime, covert or co-author. Victor Hugo told us, conscience is the presence of God in man and who does not have God has the Devil.
When you take advantage of your position or position to steal or steal and then make the misunderstanding or disagreement and begin to argue in favor of the unjustifiable and looking for alliances to support you and give you the reason, what you have left in evidence is that you are a delinquent or a delinquent, so the rest of the people have a different opinion from you, you already discovered yourself and let yourself see your personality, and you are in the shadow of hell, you have seen the seam, you are not a reliable person, you throw the stone and hide the hand. Only the donkeys of your own hair believe you. Instead, when God places you in a position or position to serve justice and truth; you must be consistent with the ethical image that is expected of you and do whatever your prerogatives and competences grant you so that justice, truth, honor, decorum, respect are restored in favor of the victim of theft or theft consideration due to that person who has been the object of such a flagrant act that has left all traces.
It is like the white-collar criminal who at his desk in an office furtively with his pen or on his computer alters documents and figures, to commit computer crimes or to steal what is another Christian and to profit for himself or for a third, equal is committing a crime and is not a right person, has therefore a double personality. One that shows decent people with whom he works and another that shows in his actions regardless of decorum, honor, respect, consideration and law.
"The world is not in danger by bad people but by those who allow evil." Albert Einstein

La verdad que te deja en evidencia…

La verdad que te deja en evidencia…
Crisanto Gregorio León
Hablaré aquí de la criminalidad en esferas menos insospechadas. Sitios donde para nada se te puede ocurrir que hay gente con doblez y bajo perfil, con ropaje de gente decente y  en quien por su oficio o por su presunta dignidad, no asoma ni la más mínima sospecha de su mente retorcida. Evidentemente los ladrones no avisan cuando van a robar. O sea, no previenen a las victimas pues se arriesgarían a ser descubiertos y de ese modo no lograrían sus sorpresivas vagabunderías.
                 Pero si tú te enteras de que ha habido un robo o un hurto y conoces al ladrón o  a la ladrona ; es decir,  conoces a quien bajo el halo de “persona correcta” ha cometido el robo o el hurto  y tienes todos los elementos del cuerpo del delito, pues las evidencias son tangibles e incontrastables y a pesar de ello tú te empeñas en  justificar al ladrón, e incluso   envías la victima a dialogar con el ladrón no para que devuelva lo robado o hurtado sino para que le rienda pleitesía a su victimario y el ladrón entonces se dé el tupé de decirle a la víctima  las causas por las cuales le robó algo que es legítimamente suyo y para que  además la victima deba salir convencido o convencido  de esa farsa de  diálogo o charla desigual en la cual a la final la víctima es la culpable de que él o ella le  haya robado y además  debe quedarse callada,  en silencio y sin armar aspavientos de lo que le robaron y sin chistar . Entonces tú  te debes revisar porque al igual que la ladrona o el ladrón  no tienes a Dios en tu conciencia. Y eres cómplice, colaborador en el delito, encubridor o coautor. Nos dijo Víctor Hugo, la conciencia es la presencia de Dios en el hombre y quien no tiene a Dios tiene al Diablo.
Cuando te aprovechas de tu puesto o cargo para robar o hurtar y luego hacerte el desentendido o la desentendida y empezar a argumentar a favor de lo injustificable y buscas alianzas para que te respalden y te concedan la razón, lo que has dejado en evidencia es que eres una delincuente o un delincuente, así el resto de la gente tenga de ti una opinión diferente, ya te descubriste ya dejaste ver tu personalidad , y estás  a la sombra del infierno,  se te ha visto la costura, no eres persona de fiar, tiras la piedra y escondes la mano.   Solamente te creen los burros de tu mismo pelo.  En cambio cuando Dios te coloca en un puesto  o cargo para servir a la justicia y a la verdad;  debes ser consecuente con la imagen ética que se espera de ti y hacer cuanto tus prerrogativas y competencias te otorgan para que la justicia, la verdad, el honor, el decoro, el respeto sean restaurados y sea desagraviada  la víctima del robo o hurto y la consideración debida  a esa persona se haga efectiva por haber sido  objeto de un acto tan flagrante que ha dejado todas los rastros.  
Es como el delincuente de cuello blanco que en su escritorio en una oficina furtivamente con su bolígrafo o en su  ordenador altera documentos y cifras, para cometer delitos informáticos o hurtar lo que es de otro cristiano y sacar beneficio para sí o para un tercero,  igual está cometiendo un delito y  no es una persona correcta, tiene por tanto una doble personalidad. Una que muestra a la gente decente con la que trabaja y otra que deja ver en sus acciones al margen del decoro, del honor, del respeto, de la consideración y de la ley.
“El mundo no está en peligro por las malas personas sino por aquellas que permiten la maldad.” Albert Einstein

domingo, 13 de agosto de 2017

I asked a girl ... How do I know if a man loves me?

I asked a girl ... How do I know if a man loves me?

Because he dedicates his time ... he takes care of you ... he is aware of your things ... his life responds to your presence in him ...
His dedication ... his desire to know about you, to understand you, to suffer your sufferings and to rejoice with your joys ..., he feels committed to your things and your chores ... he wants you to be a part of his daily life ...
He calls you to give you the good morning ... to ask you if you had breakfast and if you want to take you to work and spend breakfast beforehand if you have not already done ... calls you to work and is careful not to interrupt you, but it becomes Crazy to hear from you He wants to see you at lunch, in the afternoon and at dinner, he wants to meet your parents and is happy to meet you. It makes your family your family.
Do not lie down to sleep without hearing the voice, your voice is melody for your ears ... you fill all their spaces ...
She looks beautiful without makeup and loves you even more without makeup ...
He loves it when you smile or make jokes
For him you are the most intelligent person ... and I want you to be the boss in your job to be promoted to Manager, or to be the owner of the company ...
When a man loves you, he gets late, long time to be with you ... he waits for you to leave work or class and asks you where you want to take you ... and so had a bad day ... Is full of strength to please you ...
It consents to your abilities but gives everything ... everything that is within reach and seeks to be able to reach you to please you.
The man who loves you adores you integrates with everything you have, with your virtues and your defects ... learn to assimilate that the bad things that you have in your personality, those things are also you and even if it is debated between your principles, Essence because he loves you ... the man who loves you deserves to love him in the same way that he gives himself to you ....
The man who loves you submits to the hope of making you his wife ... the man who loves you will want to hear you sing, even if you do not ...
The man who loves you, will not care if you have a bad smell in the feet or underarms ..., the man who loves you will long for your bad breeding. If he loves you, he will keep the heart "vibrating" all the time by Know that you exist and because you had the luck to find ...
If he loves you, I would like you to prepare a meal that even if it burns you will say it is delicious ... and will cook when you ask and even without asking you if you see stressed and not wanting to feed you in a tantrum with life .. .
When he loves you he will prefer not to sleep if you need him, but he requires your commitment to live with him, he needs your consequence not to know himself alone and not to feel that his surrender is in vain ...
When he loves you, he travels distances to meet you and even if he is sick of his stomach, he will endure the pains so as not to spoil the moments with you ...
The man who loves you feels lost when a day goes by without hearing you, your voice and your words, your occurrences and your gestures are those that fill your soul ...
When in spite of being someone by himself and still feel that he is nothing and nobody without you, that man loves you ...

If you do not want to get away from yourself and life has become for him, that man loves you.
The man who loves you does not demand of you material things, wants your presence in him ... the man who loves you no longer sees with his eyes but with your own ... the man who loves you has understood without anyone or anything Force him to be your slave and your princess, your queen and your empress ..
You are his powerful and attractive essence, and he understands that there is nothing else that he longs for but to merge with you into a single being for the rest of his days and your days, that you are his beautiful purrula ...
Getting a true love is a finding of luck, life and when you find it do not let go. Love is love and you will not find one again ...

lunes, 7 de agosto de 2017

Me preguntó una chica… ¿Cómo puedo saber si un hombre me ama?
Crisanto Gregorio León

Porque te dedica su esmera en ti...está pendiente de tus vida responde a tu presencia en él...
Su dedicación...sus ganas de saber de ti, de entenderte, de sufrir tus sufrimientos y de alegrarse con tus alegrías..., se siente comprometido con tus cosas y tus quehaceres...quiere que formes parte de su día a día...
Te llama para darte los buenos días...para preguntarte si desayunaste y si quieres que te lleve al trabajo y pasar previamente a desayunar si aún no lo has hecho...te llama al trabajo y tiene cuidado de no interrumpirte , pero se vuelve loco por saber de ti. Quiere verte en el almuerzo, en la tarde y en la cena, quiere conocer a tus padres y se alegra en conocerlos. Hace de tu familia su familia.
No se acuesta a dormir sin escucharte la voz, tu voz es melodía para sus oídos...tu llenas todos su espacios...
Te ve bella aún sin maquillaje y te ama aún más sin maquillaje...
Le encanta cuando sonríes o haces chistes
Para él eres la persona más inteligente...y quisiera que fueras la jefe en tu trabajo que te ascendieran a Gerente, o que seas la dueña de la empresa...
Cuando un hombre te ama, se trasnocha, hace tiempo para estar contigo...te espera a la salida del trabajo o de la clase y te pregunta a donde quieres que te lleve...y así haya tenido un mal dí llena de fuerzas para complacerte...
Te consiente de acuerdo a sus capacidades pero lo da todo...todo lo que está a su alcance y busca estar a que le alcance para complacerte.
El hombre que te ama te adora integra con todo lo tuyo, con tus virtudes y tus defectos...aprende a asimilar que las cosas malas que tengas en tu personalidad, esas cosas también eres tú y aunque se debata entre sus principios, adorará tu esencia porque te ama...el hombre que te ame merece que lo ames a él de la misma manera que él se entrega a ti....
El hombre que te ame se somete a la espera de la esperanza de hacerte su esposa...el hombre que te ame te querrá escuchar cantar aunque desafines...
El hombre que te ame, no le importará si tienes mal olor en los pies o en las axilas..., el hombre que te ama añorará tus malas crianzas., si te ama mantendrá el corazón en modo "vibrar" todo el tiempo por saber que tú existes y porque tuvo la suerte de encontrarte...
Si él te ama quisiera que le prepararas una comida que aunque se te queme él dirá que está deliciosa...y te cocinará cuando se lo pidas y aun sin pedírtelo si te ve estresada y sin querer alimentarte en una rabieta con la vida...
Cuando te ama preferirá no dormir si necesitas de él, pero él requiere tu compromiso para vivir a su lado, él necesita tu consecuencia para no saberse solo y para no sentir que su entrega es en vano...
Cuando te ama, él recorre distancias para encontrase contigo y aunque ande mal del estómago se aguanta los dolores para no echar a perder los momentos contigo...
El hombre que te ama se siente perdido cuando pasa un día sin escucharte, tu voz y tus palabras, tus ocurrencias y tus gestos son los que llenan su alma...
Cuando a pesar de ser alguien por él mismo y aún así siente que no es nada ni nadie sin ti, ese hombre te ama...
Si no quiere despegarse de ti y la vida te has vuelto para él, ese hombre te ama.
El hombre que te ama no exige  de ti cosas materiales, quiere tu presencia en él...el hombre que te ama ya no ve con sus ojos sino con los tuyos...el hombre que te ama ha comprendido sin que nadie ni nada lo obligue que es tu esclavo y tu su princesa , su reina y su emperatriz..
Eres su poderosa y atractiva esencia, y él entiende que no hay otra cosa que anhele más que fusionarse contigo en un solo ser para el resto de sus días y de tus días, que tu eres su bonita purrula…
Conseguir un verdadero amor es un hallazgo de la suerte, de la vida y cuando lo encuentres no lo dejes ir. El amor es el amor y no volverás a encontrar uno igual…

sábado, 17 de junio de 2017

La conciencia moral internacional y el ius cogens

Crisanto Gregorio León

           Supraconstitucionalmente, es decir;  por encima de las constituciones y los ordenamientos jurídicos de cualquier estado, país o nación, se encumbran derechos perentorios o más tajantemente  derechos imperativos. Derechos que no admiten ni la exclusión ni la alteración de su contenido. Son derechos de la humanidad y que la comunidad internacional reconoce y estatuye.
 En tal sentido, cualquier acto que sea contrario a estos derechos perentorios o imperativos a los que se contrae el ius cogens, son declarados nulos y sometidos a la jurisdicción internacional para su tutela efectiva. 
            Verbi gratia, en el supuesto que algún  estado no dispusiese en su respectiva Carta Magna o Constitución, el respeto a los derechos humanos y aun cuando no haya suscrito algún tratado o convenio internacional donde se adhiere a respetarlos, de igual  manera imperativamente está obligado a hacerlo, en virtud del ius cogens.
La omnipotencia de los estados, sucumbe ante el ius cogens, pues se fundamenta en altos principios de conciencia internacional y en el respeto supremo y superior de la concepción e idea de humanidad.
Esta idea internacionalista recogida en el ius cogens es una fortaleza  concebida  con  el propósito de que el hombre no destruya la especie humana ni sus más preciados derechos.
Por encima de la jerarquía normativa de los ordenamientos jurídicos internos estatales , está el ius cogens , como garante de que el hombre no destruya a la especie y no se vulneren ni menoscaben derechos que han costado tanta sangre , dolor u sufrimiento alcanzar y que son reconocidos bajo el epitome de la conciencia moral de la comunidad internacional.  
Son innumerables los derechos que se protegen y garantizan por virtud del ius cogens y solo a los fines ilustrativos enumero algunos: La presunción de inocencia,  la prohibición de la tortura y de la privación arbitraria de la libertad , el  derecho a la vida, condena a los crímenes contra la humanidad, la ilicitud de la amenaza o el uso de las armas nucleares, la prohibición de ataques contra civiles y el uso de armas que no distingan entre civiles y militares, la prohibición del uso de armas que causen un daño mayor que el necesario para conseguir objetivos militares legítimos, crímenes contra la humanidad ,  el acceso a la justicia, la prohibición de  aplicar la pena de muerte por delitos cometidos por menores de edad, entre tantos otros de elevadísima y superior protección .  El deber de cumplir de buena fe las obligaciones.  Normas muy básicas como el principio de pacta sunt servanda (lo pactado obliga), dado que sin ellas no cabría la existencia de ningún tratado internacional.
Por su parte, en el artículo 53 de la Convención de Viena del 23 de mayo de 1969 sobre el Derecho de los Tratados, al mismo tiempo que declara la nulidad de cualquier tratado contrario a una norma imperativa, se codifica por vez primera la noción de ius cogens desde la perspectiva de la relación entre el Estado y la norma misma. Incluso en el artículo 64 de ese cuerpo legal se vuelve a reafirmar el carácter supremo del derecho imperativo con respecto a la norma convencional. Si bien, en la norma convencional no se expresa un catálogo de normas de ius cogens, sino que esta determinación se deja a la práctica y a la jurisprudencia internacional.


domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

The diaspora

The diaspora

                Officially in the last two years and more than 250,000 Venezuelans have gone looking for a future abroad. Mostly young and within these figures, many university graduates or have had to leave their studies halfway.
                The diaspora is also composed of adults and older adults, who pursue a new hope in their lives, new paths, a projection, in short, not to stay stagnant, to refuse to die, to save time pass without taking the Reins that allow them to generate for them and for theirs better quality of life.
                How much pain and despair the hearts of those who leave and those who remain remain. How much anguish at the vicissitudes that await each other. Weeping and sobbing for the loves that have gone, as if the heart stopped beating in a frozen time that never stops suffering in an endless choking.
                They experience those who leave, the absence of a home or the feeling that does not belong to these new latitudes, but which are no longer of the land that is left. To build in other places a house or a new life, will never overcome the need and the feeling of touching and embracing the beings that we love and that have left us. The syndrome of the eternal traveler that is not from there and is not from here.
                Blessed are the countries that welcome us and allow us to rehabilitate our minds and our lives, beautiful landscapes that give us their freshness and new opportunities, but the heart never surpasses the pain of migration or flight, the soul is never the same When the beings we love and are alive are no longer with us, or when they die in other destinations and we can do nothing to give them the last goodbye.
                Always grateful, our genius of letters, Don Andrés Bello López, for the welcome offered by the friendly and incomparable Chilean people, never never surpassed the loneliness of the soul for his beloved Venezuela. Yes, he continued a life in that wonderful land that gave him honor and joy; Although his soul never exceeded the migration. When the University of Chile was founded, he was its first rector and also life. He also reciprocated with his wisdom the kindness he received from the gentle Chilean people.
                Blessed are the lands that open their hearts to us and blessed are the compatriots who go to work and help with honesty to give a boost and impetus to the development of other nations, leaving the name of Venezuela up, returning with dignity and gratitude the nobility of others People to adopt us.
                We are ambassadors of our customs, our house, our school and our universities. Let us leave our name and reputation high, with humility and humility. Let decency be our passport and respect the rules of the new house.