domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

The diaspora

The diaspora

                Officially in the last two years and more than 250,000 Venezuelans have gone looking for a future abroad. Mostly young and within these figures, many university graduates or have had to leave their studies halfway.
                The diaspora is also composed of adults and older adults, who pursue a new hope in their lives, new paths, a projection, in short, not to stay stagnant, to refuse to die, to save time pass without taking the Reins that allow them to generate for them and for theirs better quality of life.
                How much pain and despair the hearts of those who leave and those who remain remain. How much anguish at the vicissitudes that await each other. Weeping and sobbing for the loves that have gone, as if the heart stopped beating in a frozen time that never stops suffering in an endless choking.
                They experience those who leave, the absence of a home or the feeling that does not belong to these new latitudes, but which are no longer of the land that is left. To build in other places a house or a new life, will never overcome the need and the feeling of touching and embracing the beings that we love and that have left us. The syndrome of the eternal traveler that is not from there and is not from here.
                Blessed are the countries that welcome us and allow us to rehabilitate our minds and our lives, beautiful landscapes that give us their freshness and new opportunities, but the heart never surpasses the pain of migration or flight, the soul is never the same When the beings we love and are alive are no longer with us, or when they die in other destinations and we can do nothing to give them the last goodbye.
                Always grateful, our genius of letters, Don Andrés Bello López, for the welcome offered by the friendly and incomparable Chilean people, never never surpassed the loneliness of the soul for his beloved Venezuela. Yes, he continued a life in that wonderful land that gave him honor and joy; Although his soul never exceeded the migration. When the University of Chile was founded, he was its first rector and also life. He also reciprocated with his wisdom the kindness he received from the gentle Chilean people.
                Blessed are the lands that open their hearts to us and blessed are the compatriots who go to work and help with honesty to give a boost and impetus to the development of other nations, leaving the name of Venezuela up, returning with dignity and gratitude the nobility of others People to adopt us.
                We are ambassadors of our customs, our house, our school and our universities. Let us leave our name and reputation high, with humility and humility. Let decency be our passport and respect the rules of the new house.

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