Crisanto Gregorio León
Excuse not demanded, manifest guilt. This aphorism is reflected in the Latin expression "Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesto". And that lawyers are so familiar to hear the clarifications that turn against their owner or owner. It exposes the guilty person when he gives explanations and arguments about what he has not been asked to clarify or about which he has not been asked for any justification.
You did it, no one asked you to give the reasons, everything was in evidence, and yet you insist on proving that you are not guilty and the affected are not interested in explaining yourself. Then why do you insist on presenting loopholes?
But there is so much evidence of your guilt that you rush impulsively to say I was not! Do not say that you are dark, as you argue the most embarras. Even the ingenuity to listen to you by force, forcing others to witness your explanations and sticking your rhetoric.
There are those who insist on giving explanations to dispel their guilt, which is flagrant. While others do not want to dissipate their guilt but to rule over their own felony, not to feel guilty of what they have done or said, because conceit and arrogance have their soul imprisoned. Guilt is not a cause of grief, but of boasting and arrogance; because there has been no fault but bad intentions. It is as if they say so, - I did it I am guilty and what? - but I do not assume guilt, on the contrary I rejoice in it.
I remember the popular songs of Spain, which were not because they were the cause of another's sorrow, but of the own guilt that the soul eats and sentenced equally the gauchos "nobody discovers his breast to give relief to his grief, that the one that his chest discovers , by his mouth is condemned. "
Only the punishments of some people are embarrassments because they feel uncovered of what they have always done low profile breaking all moral or ethical standards, social uses, religion or law, and worse still against life that charges everything sooner or later and then in the face of such an awareness of his own conscience as his play is exposed; decide to openly persecute the innocent, making them victims, arguing for an ephemeral and circumstantial power, which is only vanity and sickly position. This is the cause of those who insist on giving explanations to those who do not want to hear them and do not even ask for them. Because when you light up you get dark. And in the hands of this triumvirate, vanity, boasting and arrogance are washed conscience.
sábado, 23 de septiembre de 2017
La enfermiza vanidad, la jactancia y prepotencia
Crisanto Gregorio León
Excusa no pedida, culpabilidad manifiesta. Este aforismo es recogido en la expresión latina “Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta”. Y que a los abogados nos es tan familiar al escuchar los esclarecimientos que se vuelven contra su dueña o dueño. Deja al descubierto a la persona culpable cuando da explicaciones y argumentaciones respecto de lo que no se le ha pedido aclarar o de aquello de lo que no se le ha solicitado ninguna justificación.
Lo hiciste, nadie te ha pedido que des las razones, todo quedó en evidencia, y aún así insistes en demostrar que no eres culpable y ni los afectados están interesados en que te expliques. ¿Entonces por qué insistes en presentar escapatorias?
Pero es tanta la evidencia de tu culpabilidad que corres impulsivamente a decir ¡yo no fui¡ No aclares que oscureces, pues a medida que arguyes más la embarras. Incluso hasta te las ingenias para que te escuchen por la fuerza, obligando a otros a presenciar tus explicaciones y calarse tu retórica.
Hay quienes insisten en dar explicaciones para disipar su culpa, la cual es flagrante. Mientras otros, no quieren disipar su culpa sino enseñorearse en su propia felonía, por no sentirse culpables de lo que han hecho o dicho, pues el engreimiento y la soberbia les tienen encarcelada el alma. La culpa no le es motivo de pena, sino de jactancia y arrogancia; porque no ha habido culpa sino malas intenciones. Es como si afirmaran así, – yo lo hice soy culpable ¿y qué?-, pero no asumo la culpa, por el contrario me regocijo en ella.
Recuerdo los cantos populares españoles, que no lo eran por ser motivo de pena ajena, sino de la propia culpa que carcome el alma y que sentenciaban igualmente los gauchos “nadie descubra su pecho por dar alivio a su pena, que el que su pecho descubre, por su boca se condena”.
Solo que las penas de algunas personas, son encabritamientos por sentirse descubiertas de lo que siempre han hecho bajo perfil quebrantando toda norma moral o ética , los usos sociales, la religión o el Derecho , y peor aún en contra de la vida que todo lo cobra tarde o temprano y entonces ante tal escarmiento de su propia conciencia al quedar su juego expuesto; deciden perseguir abiertamente a inocentes , convirtiéndolos en víctimas, argumentando una potestad efímera y circunstancial, que solo es vanidad y enfermiza posición. He aquí la causa de quien insiste en dar explicaciones a quienes no quieren oírlas y ni siquiera las han pedido. Porque al aclarar oscureces. Y en manos de este triunvirato , la vanidad, la jactancia y la prepotencia se lavan la conciencia.
sábado, 16 de septiembre de 2017
The truth that leaves you in evidence ...
The truth that leaves you in evidence ...
Crisanto Gregorio León
I will speak here of criminality in less unexpected spheres. Sites where you can not think that there are people with folds and low profile, dressed in decent people and in whom by their trade or their presumed dignity, does not show even the slightest suspicion of his twisted mind. Obviously thieves do not warn when they are going to steal. That is, they do not prevent the victims because they would risk being discovered and thus would not achieve their surprise wanderings.
But if you find out that there has been a robbery or a robbery and you know the thief or the thief; that is to say, you know who under the halo of "correct person" has committed robbery or theft and you have all the elements of the body of the crime, because the evidence is tangible and irreconcilable and despite that you insist on justifying the thief, and even send the victim to dialogue with the thief not to return the stolen or stolen but to make him plead to his victimizer and the thief then give himself the tupé to tell the victim the reasons why he stole something that is legitimately his and so that the victim must also come out convinced or convinced of that farce of dialogue or unequal talk in which the victim is ultimately responsible for the fact that he or she has stolen it and also must remain silent, silent and without fussing about what was stolen and not chastised. Then you should check it out because like the thief or thief you do not have God in your conscience. And you're an accomplice, collaborator in the crime, covert or co-author. Victor Hugo told us, conscience is the presence of God in man and who does not have God has the Devil.
When you take advantage of your position or position to steal or steal and then make the misunderstanding or disagreement and begin to argue in favor of the unjustifiable and looking for alliances to support you and give you the reason, what you have left in evidence is that you are a delinquent or a delinquent, so the rest of the people have a different opinion from you, you already discovered yourself and let yourself see your personality, and you are in the shadow of hell, you have seen the seam, you are not a reliable person, you throw the stone and hide the hand. Only the donkeys of your own hair believe you. Instead, when God places you in a position or position to serve justice and truth; you must be consistent with the ethical image that is expected of you and do whatever your prerogatives and competences grant you so that justice, truth, honor, decorum, respect are restored in favor of the victim of theft or theft consideration due to that person who has been the object of such a flagrant act that has left all traces.
It is like the white-collar criminal who at his desk in an office furtively with his pen or on his computer alters documents and figures, to commit computer crimes or to steal what is another Christian and to profit for himself or for a third, equal is committing a crime and is not a right person, has therefore a double personality. One that shows decent people with whom he works and another that shows in his actions regardless of decorum, honor, respect, consideration and law.
"The world is not in danger by bad people but by those who allow evil." Albert Einstein
Crisanto Gregorio León
I will speak here of criminality in less unexpected spheres. Sites where you can not think that there are people with folds and low profile, dressed in decent people and in whom by their trade or their presumed dignity, does not show even the slightest suspicion of his twisted mind. Obviously thieves do not warn when they are going to steal. That is, they do not prevent the victims because they would risk being discovered and thus would not achieve their surprise wanderings.
But if you find out that there has been a robbery or a robbery and you know the thief or the thief; that is to say, you know who under the halo of "correct person" has committed robbery or theft and you have all the elements of the body of the crime, because the evidence is tangible and irreconcilable and despite that you insist on justifying the thief, and even send the victim to dialogue with the thief not to return the stolen or stolen but to make him plead to his victimizer and the thief then give himself the tupé to tell the victim the reasons why he stole something that is legitimately his and so that the victim must also come out convinced or convinced of that farce of dialogue or unequal talk in which the victim is ultimately responsible for the fact that he or she has stolen it and also must remain silent, silent and without fussing about what was stolen and not chastised. Then you should check it out because like the thief or thief you do not have God in your conscience. And you're an accomplice, collaborator in the crime, covert or co-author. Victor Hugo told us, conscience is the presence of God in man and who does not have God has the Devil.
When you take advantage of your position or position to steal or steal and then make the misunderstanding or disagreement and begin to argue in favor of the unjustifiable and looking for alliances to support you and give you the reason, what you have left in evidence is that you are a delinquent or a delinquent, so the rest of the people have a different opinion from you, you already discovered yourself and let yourself see your personality, and you are in the shadow of hell, you have seen the seam, you are not a reliable person, you throw the stone and hide the hand. Only the donkeys of your own hair believe you. Instead, when God places you in a position or position to serve justice and truth; you must be consistent with the ethical image that is expected of you and do whatever your prerogatives and competences grant you so that justice, truth, honor, decorum, respect are restored in favor of the victim of theft or theft consideration due to that person who has been the object of such a flagrant act that has left all traces.
It is like the white-collar criminal who at his desk in an office furtively with his pen or on his computer alters documents and figures, to commit computer crimes or to steal what is another Christian and to profit for himself or for a third, equal is committing a crime and is not a right person, has therefore a double personality. One that shows decent people with whom he works and another that shows in his actions regardless of decorum, honor, respect, consideration and law.
"The world is not in danger by bad people but by those who allow evil." Albert Einstein
La verdad que te deja en evidencia…
La verdad que te deja en evidencia…
Crisanto Gregorio León
Hablaré aquí de la criminalidad en esferas menos insospechadas. Sitios donde para nada se te puede ocurrir que hay gente con doblez y bajo perfil, con ropaje de gente decente y en quien por su oficio o por su presunta dignidad, no asoma ni la más mínima sospecha de su mente retorcida. Evidentemente los ladrones no avisan cuando van a robar. O sea, no previenen a las victimas pues se arriesgarían a ser descubiertos y de ese modo no lograrían sus sorpresivas vagabunderías.
Pero si tú te enteras de que ha habido un robo o un hurto y conoces al ladrón o a la ladrona ; es decir, conoces a quien bajo el halo de “persona correcta” ha cometido el robo o el hurto y tienes todos los elementos del cuerpo del delito, pues las evidencias son tangibles e incontrastables y a pesar de ello tú te empeñas en justificar al ladrón, e incluso envías la victima a dialogar con el ladrón no para que devuelva lo robado o hurtado sino para que le rienda pleitesía a su victimario y el ladrón entonces se dé el tupé de decirle a la víctima las causas por las cuales le robó algo que es legítimamente suyo y para que además la victima deba salir convencido o convencido de esa farsa de diálogo o charla desigual en la cual a la final la víctima es la culpable de que él o ella le haya robado y además debe quedarse callada, en silencio y sin armar aspavientos de lo que le robaron y sin chistar . Entonces tú te debes revisar porque al igual que la ladrona o el ladrón no tienes a Dios en tu conciencia. Y eres cómplice, colaborador en el delito, encubridor o coautor. Nos dijo Víctor Hugo, la conciencia es la presencia de Dios en el hombre y quien no tiene a Dios tiene al Diablo.
Cuando te aprovechas de tu puesto o cargo para robar o hurtar y luego hacerte el desentendido o la desentendida y empezar a argumentar a favor de lo injustificable y buscas alianzas para que te respalden y te concedan la razón, lo que has dejado en evidencia es que eres una delincuente o un delincuente, así el resto de la gente tenga de ti una opinión diferente, ya te descubriste ya dejaste ver tu personalidad , y estás a la sombra del infierno, se te ha visto la costura, no eres persona de fiar, tiras la piedra y escondes la mano. Solamente te creen los burros de tu mismo pelo. En cambio cuando Dios te coloca en un puesto o cargo para servir a la justicia y a la verdad; debes ser consecuente con la imagen ética que se espera de ti y hacer cuanto tus prerrogativas y competencias te otorgan para que la justicia, la verdad, el honor, el decoro, el respeto sean restaurados y sea desagraviada la víctima del robo o hurto y la consideración debida a esa persona se haga efectiva por haber sido objeto de un acto tan flagrante que ha dejado todas los rastros.
Es como el delincuente de cuello blanco que en su escritorio en una oficina furtivamente con su bolígrafo o en su ordenador altera documentos y cifras, para cometer delitos informáticos o hurtar lo que es de otro cristiano y sacar beneficio para sí o para un tercero, igual está cometiendo un delito y no es una persona correcta, tiene por tanto una doble personalidad. Una que muestra a la gente decente con la que trabaja y otra que deja ver en sus acciones al margen del decoro, del honor, del respeto, de la consideración y de la ley.
“El mundo no está en peligro por las malas personas sino por aquellas que permiten la maldad.” Albert Einstein
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